
30. Fruitful Panoramix

Julie Scheurweghs and Pablo Hannon love composing through technology malfunction. Apparently. What happened wasn't planned and that's the beauty of these Sunday playful creative affairs. Step by step fruits were sliced in half and got a sprinkle reaction. The dry loves the moist of the slice. A handful of panorama functions later, the distorted portraits were shot. Fruitful perfection needs a lick of the wrong. Just perfect.

Banana and mustard seeds

Orange and pink pepper seeds

Kiwi and rainbow sprinkles

Apple and poppyseeds

Lemon and mustard seeds and pili pili 

Citron and rainbow sprinkles type 2

Fruit family shots 


29. Paper City by Manon x Stephanie x Pablo

Reunited and after a few hours of rambling through the stories of the past months, it was time to play. Manon Wethly, the original founder of Things I Like a Lot. Stephanie Duval, who joined Manon for some crafts and play. And Pablo Hannon, who couldn't stay behind and added his itchy fingers to the TILAL gang. Unbelievable, this is their first actual Things I Like a Lot creative collab. Paper, thread, tape, utility knives and scissors. Let's keep it simple in this restart in the new year.

"Enough talk. Let's play." 

"Let's build a city."