
32. H3500 Playshop #12

For some time now, the project www.H3500.be has been going on behind the scenes. 5 Designers from Hasselt have been creating house numbers, ready to be sold at the webshop after April 6. The project is more though. It has been focusing on that little element on a house yes, but also laying its mark on the process of getting there. Thinking, creating, producing, talking, brainstorming.... and playing. Every designer took over a class to play with numbers. Manon Wethly and Pablo Hannon had their playful start at the Stedelijke Academie in Hasselt. 8 and 9 year olds and super supervisor Heidi Leën plus her colleagues  joined them to have a go at the school's house number, 12. This was a Playshop, soon a Display in their front yard. Marvelous creations from these kids, humble we become.
